Once upon a time, I have had a dream…

When I was younger, I have had a so-cute dream which has followed me till now. Actually till last year. And I have almost forgotten it ! But now suddenly it came back to me as a blink of God…

In fact, I started to go to the Mass very soon. Mother taught me to keep strictly the catholic tradition. And situated in the countryside, our parish hasthe Mass at 4h30 AM everyday. 4h30 AM ! You can imagine how a little girl « survived » with this rhythm. Although the full naive zeal, I couldn’t stand the sleepiness every morning. So, from my very early years at the primary school, I always asked my mother why we didn’t live SO-CLOSE to the Church (as the family of my best friend, for example), so that we didn’t have to wake up too early (before 30, 45 minutes) to go to the Mass. It could be much better if I lived in the campus of the parish as the Sisters, or the best is that I could sleep inside the Church… It would be amazing : nothing could prevent me to go to the Mass everyday, the cold, the heat, the rain… even the laziness, because I wouldn’t continue to sleep while people were that for the Mass ! This desire has grown up with me, till one day… I though forgetting it !

But not at all. Since one year, miraculously, I have lived in a Christian community house where there is probably a chapel. We have a normal catholic liturgic as any congregations, and of course, the Mass almost everyday. And now after at least 15 years, I’ve realized that this childlike dream has become true ! Truly. Simply. By an unexpected way. The mystery way of the « Papa-gâteau » to realize the very first and pure wish of his little daughter… Tell me friend how can explain it ? How can explain a blink of God ?

God accomplish all desires of his children who trust in himGod accomplish all desires of his children who trust in him

God, he is good, isn’t he ?

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